I got an Audioscrobbler. For those who don't know, Audioscrobbler logs the songs you play on applications like Windows Media Player and makes a list of them. It also shows the artists and songs to which you most often listen.
I got my college essay back from Mr. McGraw, and I have mixed feelings. I really don't like it, but it somehow got a 98%. If anyone wants to see the horror that is my CommonApp college essay, I can send it.
Probably going to a movie tomorrow. Not sure when or what, though.
I think my church is doing its Children's Sabbath tomorrow, so I should probably go to the service in case I'm supposed to do something.
I'm really excited about Thursday, the Stop Sexual Harassment and Bullying Conference. That should be fun.
Badminton championships are Thursday and Saturday. Since there aren't many mixed doubles teams, I'm pretty sure that Kelley and I made at least to the Thursday championship.
Yesterday badminton had its end-of-season party. Twas much fun, but the team we played was very small, so Kelley and I didn't get to play.